high school

compass for:


Are you a student looking for an opportunity to earn $50,000+ your first year after graduation? There is nothing like positioning yourself for success. Our program takes all the guesswork out of the typical trial and error of entering the marketplace. Our methods and teqniques are backed by decades of implementation with successful outcomes. This is your chance to fully take control of your future.

Start here

what do you get?

MyBizCompass contains over 50 video modules of instruction centered on personal & business development. Included as well are additional resources & exercises to help you level up!



  • Foundations Course
  • Facebook Ads Course
  • Custom CRM Course
  • 8 Week Personal Branding Course

Live Coaching Calls

  • Live Q&A
  • Role Play (close deals)
  • Call Review
  • Accountability
    Check Ins


Join today's success driven professionals and the young leaders of tomorrow to find your TRUE NORTH in life & business.



Compete against other My Biz Compass members to be top of the leaderboard to win cash & prizes.


Done-For-You CRM

  • Future client leads CRM
  • Recruiting leads CRM


This program is very personal to Mr. Stewart. So much so, that he is willing to guarantee that if any student follows his program to the letter, and does not earn at least $50,000 in their first full year of insurance sales, he will cut a check for the difference.


The time is now to find your TRUE NORTH in life & business.

What is the
MyBizCompass Method

What if you had a wealthy relative who was willing to take you under their wing as an apprentice. Would you accept the invitation?

Many people are willing to do what is necessary to financially empower themselves and improve their circumstances. What they lack is knowledge capital and mentorship.

MyBizCompass teaches the mindset required to be successful, it moves beyond that however to provide the cornerstone values & principles needed to become a successful entrepreneur. It teaches all of the preliminary steps required before you open the doors to your business and the methodology required to keep your doors open. You will learn how to market yourself and your business. You will learn firsthand the “secrets” of attaining success & wealth, which you will find are actually a measurable, scalable, sustainable, and duplicatable process.

who else is
My Biz Compass for?



Are you a professional looking to enter the world of sales or grow your current business?

Start here


Are you a parent, educator, or business owner who wants to sponsor a student who is pursuing a career in sales?

Start here